Sustainability is important for ODENSE GROUP

We will take our share of the responsibility and contribute to solving the global and local challenges in terms of sustainability. We do this specifically in 4 areas:

  • Food safety
  • Sustainable procurement
  • Respect for the environment
  • Concern for people and society

Our position

"We take responsibility for how we as a company affect our society and want to contribute to a more sustainable future
through product development and continuous improvements.
Our principles are based on respect for people and the environment and the ability to create value for ourselves and the society around us.
We are humble about the task and have the attitude that will never finish but can always do better."


Food safety

Our ambition is to be on a par with the best companies in the world in the field of food safety, and we work every single day to ensure food safety throughout the value chain, from the cultivation of the raw materials until the product ends up on the store shelf.

We partly follow the Orkla group's own standard for food safety, Orkla's OFSS, and partly international certification schemes within food such as BRC and IFS.

For every raw material and packaging we use, a risk assessment and control is made, both of the product and the company that manufactures it. Our suppliers are selected on the basis of Orkla's supplier approval system. All information about raw materials and packaging is checked by our quality department before they are finally approved.

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We aim for important agricultural products, animal products and packaging to be sustainably produced.

We are RSPO (Rountable on Sustainable Palm Oil) certified and use only sustainable palm oil in our products. If you want to know more about RSPO, you can visit their website here.

We do not use eggs from caged hens at ODENSE GROUP.

We ensure that our suppliers handle social and environmental challenges so that we can prevent child and forced labor and comply with all requirements for human rights, working conditions, the environment and anti-corruption.


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We work purposefully to reduce CO2 emissions and reduce food waste, water and energy consumption.

We only buy GoO (Guarantees of Origin) electricity. We can therefore document that all electricity in the Odense Group is based on renewable energy (hydropower) and thus CO2-reducing.

We have established heat recovery in parts of the factory and implemented measures that make better use of the raw materials and reduce waste of almonds, kernels and product waste in the factory. Raw materials that we cannot recycle ourselves are sold for animal feed.

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People and society

We work to create good, safe workplaces characterized by respect and consideration, equal opportunities, employee development and involvement. It is also important for us to build a strong culture where employees respect the common guidelines and are committed to being part of a sustainable company.

We have annual employee interviews with all employees and we are in the process of implementing a certified standard for OEHSS
(Orkla's environmental, health and safety standard) at our factories.

We have established groups of health ambassadors who work to promote health and well-being, and we have a clear goal of ensuring low sickness absence and no accidents at work.

In collaboration with Jobcenter Odense, Odense Marcipan has established a business center. The purpose is to help unemployed citizens return to the labor market through internships and job clarification courses in the company. Odense Marcipan's selected mentors help the trainees with the professional, practical and social challenges during the period of internship.